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NAPA Membership Benefits

  1. NAPA Annals of Anthropological Practice delivered to your inbox, and access to back issues
  2. Access to career development through the Mentor Program
  3. Direct access to the NAPA Notes newsletter
  4. Access to a supportive network of practicing anthropologists
  5. Regular monthly emails with NAPA updates and news
  6. Access to annual NAPA workshops
  7. Information on and invitations to special NAPA-supported events at conferences
  8. Access to a membership directory (through AAA)
  9. Access to the NAPA occupational therapy field school

How to Join NAPA

To join NAPA, you must be a member of AAA; you can join both at the same time. Or, if you are already a AAA member, you can still join NAPA. All memberships are processed through AAA.

AAA membership carries many benefits: Access to 250,000 journal articles through AnthroSource; the monthly Anthropology News and other journals; discounts to the annual meeting and the related opportunities there; the online career center, with resume builder, job listings, and resume posting; access to the online member directory; and all the other resources that come with being part of the world’s largest anthropological association.

AAA membership is on a sliding scale; fees are as little as $35 for undergraduate students! Professional dues start at $135.

Once you join AAA, NAPA’s annual membership is $35 for professionals. Students receive membership for $20. Isn’t your career worth that small investment?

For more information and to become a member, see the AAA website at

NAPA Membership FAQ

Here are a few frequently asked questions about membership in NAPA:

Why should I join NAPA?
NAPA is the premier organization for supporting applied, practicing, and professional anthropologists. While a key focus is anthropologists working beyond the academy, we also support academically oriented anthropologists, especially those in applied settings, teaching the next generation of practitioners. Through information exchanges, networking, mentoring, practical skills training, career planning, and a host of other activities, NAPA supports individual professional development and the application of anthropology training in business, non-profits, government, and international agencies.

What is NAPA?
NAPA is the section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) that represents practicing anthropology.   Many NAPA members are established or are planning careers as practicing professionals linked into government, business and other networks outside of the academy. Many in NAPA leadership work outside of academic settings.

I am professional working entirely outside an academic position. Why should I be a member of NAPA?
For many reasons:

  1. To be a part of the network.
  2. To stay in touch with developments in anthropology.
  3. To get help with your professional development.
  4. To help other professionals who are making their way.
  5. To learn to market your skills and experiences better to non-anthropologists.
  6. To have a support group, and not feel like the lone anthropologist within your organization.

I teach in a university anthropology department. Why should I be a member of NAPA?
At least two reasons:

  1. Because your work involves public engagement, and you will benefit from collegial exchanges with your non-academic peers.
  2. Because you can better assist your students with their training and career planning.  By understanding what is available, you more accurately advise your students. They will need to network to get a job outside of academia. NAPA provides a mentor program and a group of professionals working outside the academy who can help students link up with potential employers.  NAPA members who have become successful in building a career then become a resource for the academic departments from which they came.

I’m a student. Why should I be a NAPA and AAA member?
Joining a professional society is part of becoming a practitioner. You get publications and professional networking opportunities, access to mentors and workshops, and, because you are a student, these benefits are available at a discount rate. Now is the time to get in on AAA and NAPA membership.

Is there a membership directory?
You can find information about NAPA members through the AAA membership directory.

Other Questions?
Use the form on the contact page or see the governing council page for additional contact information. See the Mentor Program page to learn more about NAPA mentoring.



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