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Tune In and Speak Up!

NAPA is your community, and there are several ways to engage with your peers. Post to the listserv or submit a message for the blog or newsletter. Pose interesting or challenging content directly to a community of thousands globally through the Linked In or Facebook pages. Or circulate a message via Twitter and reach over 10,000 followers.

NAPA communication is interactive, and we want to hear from you! Contribute to the journal, engage the social media, or just drop us a line with some ideas or suggestions.

In addition to the resources linked here, NAPA contributes a regular column in the Section News of the online Anthropology News, the newsletter of the AAA.

Review our specialized and general blog activities.

Sign up and keep in touch directly with NAPA members and other list members.

NAPA Notes helps you track NAPA’s activities and provides a medium for your messages and announcements.Current and past newsletters are listed on the Newsletter page.

Since 1986, NAPA has produced this biannual series (formerly called the NAPA Bulletin series). Contribute to NAPA’s flagship publication.

Reach out to and follow the world through Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter.

Closely related to NAPA is a recently launched resource that hears the world and relates this to you. Tune in to Anthrotalks and hear what you might be missing!

Let us hear from you!