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NAPA Mentor Program

NAPA’s Mentor Program provides information on anthropology careers, and tries to match students, new professionals, and mid-level and senior career changers with professional anthropologists for an ongoing professional relationship.

The relationship can:

  • Provide one-on-one guidance in defining your career goals
  • Help you to customize your resume for your specialty area
  • Help you to develop a professional network

The Mentor Program is open to individuals of any age and status, regardless of previous experience in any professional or academic setting. When matched, mentors and mentees are expected to keep in regular contact for at least one year. The frequency and methods of contact can be established by both sides, but email and telephone calls should be supplemented by at least one in-person meeting. This will typically take place at an annual meeting, but is not a precursor to contacts getting underway.

Discussions between mentors and mentees can include the following:

  • General information on careers in anthropology
  • Guidelines for selecting a graduate program in applied anthropology
  • Recommendations on how to prepare yourself for a career as a professional anthropologist
  • Recommended readings

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

NAPA offers answers to an extensive range of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that are posed to NAPA mentors. These FAQs are divided into seven main categories, including the basics of anthropology study and careers, getting into graduate school, and next steps after graduation. Be prepared: there are nearly 60 questions and answers! Follow the FAQ link to get your questions answered.

Who is Who?

[ ]  NAPA mentors are professionals who work in a number of settings, and have been oriented to the program. Select this link if you are a professional who is interested in serving as a mentor.

[ ]  Mentees are recent anthropology graduates or current students interested in careers as practicing anthropologists.  Anyone who wants a realistic appraisal of work outside academia and personalized career assistance may apply to the NAPA Mentor Program.  Applicants ideally have some post-bachelors education in anthropology, and should be committed to the mentoring relationship. Preference in matching mentees is given to  members of either NAPA or NASA (National Association of Student Anthropologists).  At the end of the mentoring term, both mentors and mentees are expected to complete an evaluation form in order to help refine the Mentor Program.

Instant Mentoring

If you are attending the annual AAA meeting, look for the NAPA information table (typically in or near the exhibition hall). Instant mentoring is scheduled for several hours during regular meeting hours. Simply walk up and request a time slot, or be mentored on the spot!

If you are ready to query about having a mentor, or being a mentor, see the Mentor Match form!

You can also review the Mentoring Agreement form to understand the expectations of both parties.



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