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Practitioner Interviews

What better way to understand what practitioners do, and how they do it, than to go right to the source? Over the years, NAPA has compiled a number of interviews in different media with a range of practitioners.

Video (2015)
10-minute career interviews with seven anthropologists working in very different positions and contexts, from BAs to PhDs.

Audio (2014 and 2015)
Podcasts: Conversations with 16 practitioner anthropologists about what they do, how they got started, and how anthropology relates to their work.

Career Interview Series (2013-2014)
Interviews: Brief interviews with 16 practicing anthropologists, working in the private sector (e.g., Deloitte, IMB), the Federal Government (e.g., BLM, Park Service), for consulting firms (e.g., LTG Associates), and as independent consultants.

Videos with six Smithsonian Institution anthropologists, and the story of how anthropology contributed to the creation of Go-Gurt.

See Also

In addition to these resources, follow the NAPA column in the online Anthropology News.

See also the SfAA Oral History Project, with interviews of over 100 anthropologists.

For additional practitioner interviews, see such resources as the Anthropologizing blog series, Anthropologists in Practice: