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NAPA Listserv: PraxAnth

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The NAPA listserv, PraxAnth, is a valuable tool for networking and keeping up with activities, information and issues within NAPA, as well as in the field of practitioner anthropology. It also provides a discussion forum for professional topics and a means for exchanging relevant news (job listings, conference updates, etc.).

NAPA members are not automatically subscribed to the list. You will need to subscribe to PraxAnth using the link above or down below.

The list is open to practitioner anthropologists, students, and those with a keen interest in the topics of discussion. Members may post messages at any time and all members are encouraged to contribute to discussions that are relevant to the group. Below are some, but not all, of the listserv guidelines, which will provide a general sense of expectations for the list. Below the guidelines you will find a link to the sign up page.

The email address to post a PraxAnth message is: [email protected]. You will not be able to post a message until you have registered for the list.

PraxAnth Guidelines

  • Fully identify yourself when posting messages (name, affiliation, etc.).
  • Occasional self-promotion is OK, if of general interest to the group. Self-promotion, advertising, or other promotion for commercial gain is not allowed, excepting book authors with a publication of general interest to the group.
  • Although political opinions and discussion are welcome, please understand that specific political endorsements or political campaign postings are not allowed.
  • Do not forward personal email to the list without first obtaining permission from the original sender. When forwarding, be clear that you have the permission of the original sender.
  • Posts should not contain profanity; racist, sexist or homophobic comments; harassing statements; or defamatory statements or personal attacks on others.
  • Members should self-moderate the quality and especially the quantity of their posts.

Terms of Service

Terms of Service and other relevant information will be sent to you upon list registration and confirmation. Please note that the list is not able to accommodate attachments. You will need to either provide a link to an attachment or embed the item within your message. Before you sign up, you may review a version of the Terms of Service (PDF format).

List Registration

To become a member of PraxAnth, follow this link and the simple instructions:

You will receive a confirmation email after you register, which will require your reply. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, please use the same link above.


While postings to the listserv do not require approval before being sent, a team of moderators will monitor applicants and review posts for quality assurance. The list creators and moderators are:

Jo Aiken
Karen Greenough
Chad Morris

Please contact the moderators, and not the list as a whole, for any technical problems or questions: [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you on PraxAnth!